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At SebastianCharles, we offer complimentary estimates and evaluations for items suitable for sale. Simply submit photos of items through our online submission form. A representative will review and contact you with an assessment promptly.

When & Where We Sell

We conduct 6-10 well-curated auctions annually, always accepting quality consignments. Your items will be featured alongside other high-quality pieces. With our multi-platform approach, we ensure a wide bidder base and global audience reach.


The Consigning Process

We make the consignment process simple. Our one-page consignment agreement outlines the terms of sale. We can arrange an in-person meeting at our offices in St. Paul, Minnesota, or at a location of your choice, depending on your item.

Charges & Payment

We believe in transparency when it comes to charges and payment. Our commission rates are competitive and outlined clearly in your consignment agreement.

After the successful sale of your item, checks and a detailed consignment summary are mailed within 3-4 weeks. For consignors of silver and gold items, we also offer cash advances.